Monday, February 16, 2009

(TSO-47) Prophecy: 2001 and Beyond with Bro. Cliff (PART 2)

*This is a TWO-PART podcast!!*


What started out as an informal conversation between myself and Bro. Cliff turned into a kaleidoscope of different issues.

Fasten your seat belt and get ready to take a ride through a variety of topics that include:

- Zeitgeist
- 2012
- 1000 Year Reign of Christ
- The Two Witnesses
- The Opening of the Abyss
- 9/11
- The Deity of Christ
- The Purpose of the Law
- The Rapture
- Slaying in the Spirit

You can contact Bro. Cliff via email at:

Check out the TruthStream Podcast Main Page where you can leave comments and get involved!

Email any comments to:

TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Tuesday, 2-17-2009


david said...

Very good job you guys, haven't listened to part 1 yet but part 2 was very interesting, thank you for getting into the Bible and I like your theory on the gate to the abyss being open on 9/11. I also had a great awakening after that event and am following the Way more then ever. Thank you for the podcast, good job Amos and Cliff. Here is link to my website I started with Frank Lordi's help.
Keep up the good work. Dave

angel said...

Genial post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.
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