Tuesday, September 9, 2008

(TSO) Predestined: Is God Unjust?

Is salvation COMPLETELY a work of God from start to finish... or do WE have a part in it? Does God predestinate some to salvation and some to wrath? Would you feel that God is unjust if this is true?

Let's forget Calvinism. Let's forget Arminianism. These are just boxes of thought that set us up for debate and division. The Holy Spirit will lead us into all Truth. Let's focus ONLY on what the scriptures teach and learn the answers to these questions.

Join Amos and Guardian (of Days of Prophecy- RRN) as they discuss Romans 9 and other scriptures pertaining to the Sovereignty of God.

This podcast is likely to stimulate some response, so you can email Amos at: epiphos@hotmail.com or Guardian at: babypodcast@aol.com

If you would like more teaching or discussion on other facets of this teaching, let us know!

Be sure to stop by Guardian's sites at:

You can check out Amos' MySpace at:

Check out the TruthStream Podcast Main Page where you can leave comments and get involved!

Email any comments to: epiphos@hotmail.com

TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Tuesday, 9-9-2008


BlenderHead said...

Hey 1st off, thank you guys (both of you) for this Pod.

I must confess with humility, that this ended a 15yr disagreement (really not a big stumbling block ... so no worries) between my wife and myself. I struggled with the once saved always saved, and can we lose our salvation HEAD TRIP for many many years. I know this may be a little off topic, but this Pod lead me to examine this point of view, and i am at peace and am very grateful.

Amos, Bro ... i hate to sound like a crazy FAN or something, but i truly believe that i was meant to hear your Pods. I'll just attribute it to divine appointment (and maybe just a touch of the Back East Blood i have in me lol). Us East Coasters really know how to show Love and not hold punches. I have lived in Az. for many years and have learned to live with the hardness out here, but i don't think i ever lost the back east Love that i was surrounded by when i grew up back there.

Your analogy of Willy Wonka really blows me away. I have always seen it that way. It's funny how the Lord uses things to convey his message to us.

Keep up the Lords Work ... You have been a HUGE inspiration for me.


Amos said...

Thanks Brian. That really means a lot to me. To be used of the Lord to change a person's life is more than I could ever ask for. :)

God bless you and your wife with grace and peace. Rest in the Lord's sovereignty and you won't be blown around by every wind of doctrine.

Love you brother. Thanks for the encouragement. ;)
