Wednesday, September 28, 2011

(TSO-62) Harbingers of Coming Judgment

Listen in as Amos has a word for the watchmen out there who may be growing weary from trying to sift through all kinds of disniformation. Stay awake and don't fall asleep. The signs are there and as the end draws near, Satan will use all kinds of tactics to try and goad watchmen into warning about false events that will discredit them.

The main heart of the podcast is audio from Sid Roth's interview with Jonathan Cahn and his insights into the coming judgment that will fall upon America. God is making His hand seen in judgment through 9/11 and other events that are coming.

Judgment is what brings us to repentance. We are dry bones and God will raise us up. Let us pray for revival during the coming judgments!

This is a fascinating podcast and one that shouldn't be missed!

To purchase Jonathan Cahn's book "The Harbinger", please click the link:
The Harbinger

The 2 videos the audio were pulled from:
Part 1:
Part 2:

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TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Thursday, 09-28-2011