Thursday, July 22, 2010

(TSO-58) False Prophets and Seducing Spirits

The whirlwind is upon us. Confusion abounds. Everyone is thirsting for the supernatural. This creates a void where the false prophet will prosper.

We must be vigilant and wise. Discerning but never losing trust. Where is the balance?

Take a ride with Amos as he thinks out loud and ponders the scripture's direction and warnings.

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TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Thursday, 07-22-2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

(TS0-57) Oil, Lies and Videotape: Is The Sky Falling?

With all the hype and fear surrounding the Gulf Oil Spill, Amos weighs in on the issue and cuts through the propaganda with the laser beam of Truth.

This world is full of lies and unless we are "wise as serpents", we will be led astray by the news media, false prophets with false visions and any other bait that Babylon lays before us.

We have a huge responsibility as God's ambassadors to bring truth. We should be very cautious not to cry "wolf" every time the news media baits us into thinking Armageddon is right around the corner.

Tune in to hear a different perspective on this whole crisis and find out why the news media is leading many believers right into a trap.

Podcast Reference Material:

Report by Rachel Maddow on MSNBC

CNN Fake News Report on 1st Gulf War (Alex Jones) (Part 1) (Part 2)

Check out the TruthStream Oasis Website or visit the TruthStream Discussion Forum and fellowship to your heart's content.

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TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Sunday, 07-04-2010