Friday, August 29, 2008

Conspiracy: Disillusioned on Purpose

Let's dig into a statement made in the letter written by Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini in August 1871 and hopefully get to the bottom of what he was really saying. I believe a deeper look will reveal some things that will help make sense of what we are now seeing play out before our eyes.

This podcast is really meant as a deeper revelation into what I have been trying to express in other podcasts. I believe it really "illuminates" the gameplan that has been "lodged" against all who would seek the Truth (Christ).

We live in strange days. I'm very concerned that there has been SO much focus on exposing things that lurk in the darkness that we may have crossed the line. If we are not careful, we are going to be a part of that disillusionment process. If we are going to expose things, we must use the Word of God. "Thy WORD IS A LAMP unto my feet and a LIGHT unto my path.." It's one thing to tell people that something is a LIE. We also need to follow it up with the Truth. Even the LORD, when taking Israel out of Egypt, was leading them TO the promised land...

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TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Friday, 8-29-2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dealing with Culture Shock

Phl 3:19 Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things.

Do you feel oppressed? Does the spiritual darkness all around you seem like it is closing in on you? You are not alone. The unbelieving world is growing progressively more calloused with no regard for any kind of morality.

Take some time to hang out with Amos and Ezra as they discuss the current state of our culture in the light of God's holiness.

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TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Thursday, 8-21-2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fearing for the Calf Idol

Who should we trust? God or Man? That is the question. God created the world and gave man the ability to bring forth produce from the land. Land is REAL estate. The REAL estate is now owned and controlled.

We are still in Egypt. The chains are invisible. When your desire for the things of this world fade away, your eyes will be opened to the fact that you are a slave to the desires of the flesh.

God desires to deliver his people once again from the bondage of the sinful nature that continues to entrap them into the system of Egypt. Open your eyes to the worship of the GOLDEN CALF IDOL.

Mammon has once again enslaved us into the fear for survival. Free yourself and trust the only one who can deliver your soul into TRUE FREEDOM. The freedom that true righteousness brings.

God's Word tells the Truth. It's true for ALL ages.

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TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Wednesday, 8-13-2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Discussion w/ Derek of the Spiritualeyes Ministry

This podcast includes a discussion with Derek from the Spiritualeyes Minsistry who is also on the Revelations Radio Network.

We discuss a variety of topics including:

-God's sovereignty over Satan
-Encouragement in these last days
-The third temple
-Daniel's 70th Week
-Literal vs. Spiritual Interpretation

Visit Derek's Website:

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TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Friday, 8-9-2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Truth About the Trinity

We speak about the deity of Christ. We know about the Godhead. We believe the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all God... but what does that mean? Are we really willing to confess that Jesus Christ IS God?

Forget the traditions of man. Forget the One-ness doctrine. Listen to the Word of God. What seems to be a mystery may not be so mystifying. We've confessed the truth. Let's let the Word of God turn our confession into understanding!

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TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Tuesday, 8-5-2008