"Scientia est Potentia"- Knowledge is Power.
The Beast system is expanding it's powers all around the globe. Privacy is becoming a thing of the past as we are entering a time of fear due to terrorism. This is being manufactered by the so-called "elites" of the earth to ensure global dominance. The threat of terrorism has given them the protection of "plausible deniability" as they pass laws that legislate away freedom and privacy.
The Book of Revelation has prophesied this. We will work to use the current laws to counteract this as long as possible, but God has a plan that is unfolding before our eyes and we must be prepared for what is to come.
An unbelieving and fearful world will ask the question: "What do you have to hide?". How do we deal with this? What example did Christ set for us? Should we please God or man? What is our purpose in all this?
TruthStream digs in and endeavors to shed light on these issues to provide you with real answers and direction that comes straight from the Word of God. You WILL face this system head-on. How you re-act to it will either be fear or courage. What will YOU do in the end?
My hope is that this podcast will infuse you with courage and boldness so that you will fearlessly let your light shine, no matter what darkness might come.
Let's discuss it at: TruthStream's Discussion Forum.
Email any comments to: epiphos@hotmail.com
Call our listeners' comment line at: (206) 350-0054
TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Tuesday, 02-26-2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Nothing to Hide - No One to Fear
Posted by Amos at 6:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008
The Selling of America
America went from a God-fearing nation to a cash-worshipping harlot in just under 250 years. The men and women who were given a trust to lead this nation in truth and justice... are now revealing by their actions, that they know not the meaning of either truth or justice. They are traitors and looters who have no loyalty to the God of the Bible or the people He has given them charge over.
Through treaties like NAFTA and GATT, we have allowed our manufacturing base to move over seas. We have little to export other than our dollars. America is quicly becoming a service nation whose only service is to "work-to-consume".
This was a difficult podcast to do. It is clearly evident that God is turning His face away from us and removing His favor. We are being sold into the hands of foreigners who have no loyalty to the people of this nation. Only national repentence with weeping and wailing from the heart can avert our captivity.
The American people were the last garrison against a one world government. While most Americans were sleeping and dreaming the plastic American dream, robbers broke into the house and are now looting and plundering what little we have left.
This podcast documents God's judgements against a nation that turns away from Him and exposes the "Selling of America".
PodCast Reference Information:
Romans 1:18-32
Isaiah 1:1-9
Jeremiah 5
Global systemic crisis / September 2008 - Phase of collapse of US real economy
America for Sale
Royal Bank to buy U.S. fund manager
The Greenback Gets Around
Bush has made the U.S. more vulnerable
Overseas Investors Buy Aggressively in U.S.
Glenn Beck on American Sellout (YouTube)
Lou Dobb's on American Sellout (YouTube)
Let's discuss it at: TruthStream's Discussion Forum.
Email any comments to: epiphos@hotmail.com
Call our listeners' comment line at: (206) 350-0054
TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Saturday, 02-23-2008
Posted by Amos at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Amero Rises out of Ashes of Dollar
The bonfire of the financial Phoenix has been ignited. It's only a matter of time before the Dollar flatlines and throws the financial markets into chaos. Out of the ashes of this chaos will rise a new currency called the Amero.
The U.S. Dollar is dying. This is being manufactured by the global elites to facilitate a merger of America, Mexico and Canada into the new North American Union. There will be a new constitution along with the Amero.
This is all being done to inch us all the closer to a One World Government under the eventual rule of Anti-Christ.
Tune in. It's all documented.
PodCast Reference Information:
Ezekiel Chapter 7
Death of the Dollar Part 1
Death of the Dollar Part 2
Interview on CNBC with Steve Pervis about Amero
Stan Jones speaks on Amero NAU
Patriot News Hour
Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin Report on "Very Great" US Depression 2008
Let's discuss it at: TruthStream's Discussion Forum.
Email any comments to: epiphos@hotmail.com
Call our listeners' comment line at: (206) 350-0054
TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Tuesday, 02-19-2008
Posted by Amos at 6:59 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Monopoly Men: How the Beast is Fed
Did you know that the Federal Reserve is neither "federal" nor does it have any gold in "reserve"? Were you aware that the creation of the Federal Reserve system perpetrated the greatest heist of wealth in all history? Did you know that with this Federal Reserve system that money DOES really "grow on trees"? TruthStream, with the help of Phenomenon: "The Lost Archives", exposes how the Federal Reserve Heist is not a "conspiracy theory", but a conspiracy REALITY.
This podcast features all the audio from the movie: Monopoly Men: The Federal Reserve Story, hosted by Dean Stockwell of Quantam Leap fame. Even though it's original format is film, you won't miss a beat. The audio is outstanding.
As usual, I add a sprinkling of Bible scriptures and commentary that compliments the film to show how this fits into Bible prophecy.
Let's discuss it at TruthStream's Discussion Forum.
Email any comments to: epiphos@hotmail.com
Call our listeners' comment line at: (206) 350-0054
TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Saturday, 02-16-2008
Posted by Amos at 3:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Conspiracy: Seeds of Rebellion
What is the real agenda of the Freemasons? Could the Truth Movements and those who fight the New World Order be playing into their hands? Who did the ancient Mayans worship? What is the prophecy of 2012 leading to? Are we being set up?
The seeds of rebellion were planted in the Garden of Eden. Fertilized by many (r)evolutionary wars, rebellion has budded into a rod that will be grasped by the hand of AntiChrist, who is the Man of Law-lessness.
Let's discuss it at TruthStream's Discussion Forum.
Email any comments to: epiphos@hotmail.com
Call our listeners' comment line at: (206) 350-0054
TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Thursday, 02-14-2008
Posted by Amos at 6:16 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Conspiracy: Deceived on Purpose
"You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe...."
"You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland and I show you how DEEP the RABBIT hole goes..."
The truth about taking pills and traveling down rabbit holes...
Don't miss it.
(I would tell you more, but it's a secret...)
Let's discuss it at TruthStream's Discussion Forum.
Email any comments to: epiphos@hotmail.com
Call our listeners' comment line at: (206) 350-0054
TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Saturday, 02-09-2008
Posted by Amos at 1:09 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The New World Order Agenda Part 2
Well, I finally got around to posting up Part 2 of the New World Order Agenda lecture given by Prof. Walter Veith. This lecture talks about the New World Order's plans to abolish all property ownership and exposes their fundamental philosophy. Prof. Veith is extremely knowledgeable about the NWO and is very adept at deconstructing the matrix of their agenda.
I also include a directed message to the Watchmen of the Lord about dis-information. Many watchmen are falling prey to the tactics of the enemy and have lost credibility by seemingly "crying wolf".
As always, there is some scatter-chatter for the easily distracted....
Podcast Reference Information
Prof. Walter Veith's Website
Let's discuss it at TruthStream's Discussion Forum.
Email any comments to: epiphos@hotmail.com
Call our listeners' comment line at: (206) 350-0054
TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Tuesday, 02-05-2008
Posted by Amos at 5:53 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Insights from the Word
We've been spending alot of time focusing on the New World Order here lately. I feel this is very important as the time of the end is approaching. Things are going to get really confusing as the events of the Book of Revelation begin to unfold.
Today I felt moved to do a podcast that just focuses solely on God's Word. I literally just started out with a basic message from Jeremiah 2, but it turned into a message of over an hour and 20 minutes. When the fire of the Holy Spirit gets stoked up, it's best to just let it go till it goes out. :-)
Today's podcast deals with the hidden spiritual truths of the Bible and why some cannot seem to understand them. (1 Cor 2) I also send out a message to the elites of this world informing them of their fate if they do not repent (as we all must do) and acknowledge Christ as Lord. (Jeremiah 2/Psalm 2) As always, there are various other little nuggets of discussion scattered here and there throughout the podcast.
Take a break from the "rabbit hole" and let's break some bread together. :-)
Podcast Reference Information
1 Corinthians 2
Jeremiah 2
Let's discuss it at "The Shofar Call".
Email any comments to: epiphos@hotmail.com
Call our listeners' comment line at: (206) 350-0054
TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Sunday, 02-03-2008
Posted by Amos at 2:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008
The New World Order Agenda Part 1
What is the New World Order? How does it affect you?
Be assured.... It WILL affect you. It will affect the ENTIRE world!
We are on the cusp of changes that will forever alter the way of life of billions of people across the planet. The whole world has been caught up in a cosmic battle over good, evil and the hearts and souls of mankind.
Many Christians are unwilling to listen to the dire warnings of the watchmen that God has stationed on the walls to warn those who are "inside the city". I am urging all Christians to give this podcast a fair hearing. I understand that it is much more comfortable living in this world when your perception of it is that it is still farily "safe". The fact is that our leaders are involved in selling this country out to a global conspiracy to set up a one world government called the New World Order.... believe it, or not.
The mentality of today's world is much more prepared to accept this reality than the world was even just a few short years ago. The word "conspiracy" denotes that it is "a hidden plan". It has now gotten to the point where they don't even have to hide it anymore. What was once "conspiracy" has slowly turned into reality.
These are strange days indeed. Listen in as Prof. Walter Veith shines a light on The New World Order and exposes it's hidden agenda. Part 1 of a 2 part series.
PodCast Reference Information
Prof. Walter Veith's Website, Amazing Discoveries
Let's discuss it at "The Shofar Call".
Email any comments to: epiphos@hotmail.com
Call our listeners' comment line at: (206) 350-0054
TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Friday, 02-01-2008
Posted by Amos at 10:25 AM 0 comments